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What Is Potassium And Why Do We Need It? What Is Potassium And Why Do We Need It?

What Is Potassium And Why Do We Need It?

Did you know our bodies are full of different minerals that help carry out different processes in our bodies? Potassium is one of these essential minerals, and is needed for a range of bodily functions from nerve and muscle function to regulating fluid balance. Continue reading to learn more!

Why do we need potassium?

Potassium is an electrolyte that is needed for our bodies to function on a day-to-day basis, it works closely with other electrolytes like sodium and chloride to carry out different functions. Potassium is crucial for many of our body's functions, including muscle contractions, nerve signals, and fluid balance. It supports nerve and muscle function by assisting in sending electrical impulses throughout the body, which is essential for nerve and muscle communication, and it also helps regulate heart contractions, contributing to a steady and healthy heart rhythm. Potassium is found in many foods we eat, and we need to get adequate amounts daily to prevent electrolyte imbalances!

What are the symptoms of potassium deficiency?

Potassium deficiency can lead to hypokalemia, which in severe cases can lead to abnormal heart rhythms and muscle weakness. Mild potassium deficiencies generally do not present with any symptoms, however other symptoms of potassium deficiency include fatigue, weakness, digestive issues, tingling and numbness, frequent urination, and high blood pressure. Potassium deficiency can easily be treated with the use of supplements, however in more severe cases an alternative medication or even IV treatment may be needed.

Benefits of potassium supplementation

While potassium is generally best absorbed from food, there are times when taking a supplement may be beneficial. For instance, individuals with certain conditions such as kidney disease may benefit from taking a potassium supplement.

Potassium also counteracts the effects of sodium, and supplementation has been found to help lower blood pressure by helping your body remove excess sodium. It can also support heart health by protecting against stroke, and studies have found that individuals who consume diets high in potassium have a lower risk of stroke!

Research also suggests that potassium may reduce calcium loss in bones, which could potentially reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Potassiums effect on calcium has also been found to reduce the risk of kidney stones by lowering calcium levels in urine.

Individuals who are recovering from illnesses, dehydration, or those who have been sweating excessively may need extra potassium to help replenish lost electrolytes. 

How much potassium do we need?

For adults, the NHS recommends 3,500mg potassium per day, however, the specific requirement will depend on a variety of factors. For instance, some people may require higher potassium intakes - individuals with certain health conditions, athletes, or someone taking certain medications. We lose potassium through bodily fluids such as sweat, so it is important to replenish potassium any time you lose additional fluids such as after sweating or after an illness to avoid an electrolyte imbalance.

How can I get more potassium from my diet?

Potassium can be found in a variety of both animal and plant based foods. Fruits like bananas and avocados are excellent sources, as well as other plant based foods such as potatoes and legumes. Meats, fish and dairy products also contain potassium, Eating a balanced and varied diet should provide adequate amounts of potassium. Diets that are high in high salt foods may also benefit from having more potassium rich foods to help offset the negative effects of high sodium intakes. 

Looking for a potassium supplement? Why not try MOBU Potassium tablets?

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